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Evaluation of Family Based Help Services

Paper Type: Free Essay Subject: Family
Wordcount: 1161 words Published: 18th May 2020

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Program One

I have chosen Child FIRST. When abbreviated by Child FIRST (2017), it is: “Child and Family Interagency, Resource, Support, and Training.” This program glimpses on low income families that have children who struggle with one or more: emotional, behavioral, or developmental problems, or child maltreatment with a guided program of home visitation. Evaluating this program maintained “157 low-income families that was a randomized controlled trial” (2017). As this program is a home visitation program, children between 6-36 months of age that were high in emotional, behavioral, developmental problems or child maltreatment were based on screening tests or on family characteristics. The team that visited the low-income families were: a mental health clinician with a master’s degree and a bachelor’s degree candidate who is exceptional in coordinating leveled care. The program was 45-90 minutes for 22 weeks in 12 home visits of the low-income families.

The sample of 157 low-income families with children from ages 6-36 months have given their consent for their participation for the study. The children were based on two indications: 1.) behavioral or social-emotional problems or 2.) any psychological factors that the parents had, i.e. anxiety. Both the children and parents were put in one of two groups: (1) a control group that obtained community services or (2) getting services from Child FIRST. At the one year follow up, there was a 40-70% decrease among both the child’s behavior and language developmental skills and as well as decreasing the mother’s distress. At the three year follow up mark; with the assistance of Child Protective Services (CPS), there was a 33% decrease for the possible child maltreatment. The outcomes of the program show that there was no given sample size when CPS was involved nor was there a given timeline to give another follow-up to these low-income families. State CPS have gathered data for the families that were involved but failed to give

another follow-up date. Thus, for the evidence rating, this program gave all the elemental standard that would make the program successful.

Program Two

 The second program in my choosing was Strengthening Families Program (SFP): For Parents and Youth 10-14. The adapted program reduces the adolescent’s problem with substance use and behavior problems and help them improve on skills with nurturing and child management with the assistance of their parents while also helping teenagers improve with interpersonal and personal competencies. Since there are 3 studies in this program: Strengthening Families Program (2011) state that “the first study outcomes were focused on intervention-targeted parents’ behaviors, improvements related to family meetings, alcohol-related skills, and intervention-targeted child behaviors; Study 2 focused on substance abuse; and Study 3 focused on parenting competency, student substance-related risk, school engagement, and academic success.

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 SFP involves children and adolescents who are ages 10-14 and their parents. This program helps strengthen complications between parents and their children. “Adapted program aims to reduce substance use and behavior problems during adolescence through improved skills in nurturing and child management by parents and improved interpersonal and personal competencies among youths.” (2011). To complete this program, children/teenagers and their parents required to engage in the given activities. For the parents and children/teenagers, they would both separate into groups for skill-building for an hour, where the second hour, parents and children/teenagers are brought back together for family activities that are supervised. Parent group sessions explain desires dependent on kid improvement standards, show proper disciplinary practices, show aptitudes on overseeing solid pre-adult feeling, and show viable

relational abilities for managing their adolescents. Youth bunch sessions educate refusal abilities for managing friend weight and individual aptitudes, for example, managing pressure. Amid the joint family sessions, families are shown compromise and relational abilities. The sessions additionally include recreations and exercises intended to expand cohesiveness and present positive association of the young people in the family. In all sessions, recorded introductions are utilized to present the subjects and structure talks. The children/teenagers were shown a short video that was focused on how to handle and prevent peer pressure. Evidence rating for this program is effective and that it has been used for more than one study.

Program Three

 The third program I chose is called Cool Kids. Children and adolescents who suffer with anxiety disorders from the ages of 7 to 17 is the potential population for this specific program. Both children and parents are taught to reduce the child’s anxiety. In the program, the child and parents could participate in either individual or group sessions. This program helps not only children but also parents with practical skills. With the help of manuals, this program focuses on children and teenagers who have different psychological situations, such as, autism, comorbid depression, etc.

The outcomes of Cool Kids are to: reduce the symptoms and amount of life interference caused by anxiety, reduce avoidance, reduce family distress, increase confidence, improve peer relationships, and increase engagement in extra-curricular activities. For training, there is a manual that describes on how to implement the program, and training is provided for this program. Training and accreditation is obtained online through the Centre for Emotional Health of Sydney. Onsite training is provided if wanted. It takes about 6 hours to complete online training for this program. Online training consists of 12 modules consisting of videos and

practice activities that you can stop and start as you please. To obtain the appropriate accreditation for this program, you must show the appropriate ability and skills that correspond with the scenario, within a 3-hour time limit. The evidence status for this program shows to be promising research evidence.


  • Child FIRST. (2017). Retrieved from https://evidencebasedprograms.org/programs/child-first/
  • Cool Kids. (2018). Retrieved from https://www.cebc4cw.org/program/cool-kids/
  • Strengthening Families Program: For Parents and Youth 10–14. (2011). Retrieved from https://www.crimesolutions.gov/ProgramDetails.aspx?ID=190


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